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1910 Trust Grant Making Policy

The aim of this policy is to guide Applicants in their submissions and Trustees in their assessments of applications.

Objects of the Cardiff YMCA (1910) Trust

The Constitution of the Cardiff YMCA (1910) Trust (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) whose only voting members are its charity trustees states the Objects of the charity to be as follows:

  • To further such charitable purposes for the benefit of the Cardiff Young Men’s Christian Association as the trustees see fit from time to time in particular by:
  1. Proving finance and supporting the association’s charitable work in the community (including supporting activities which encourage and develop the individual’s mind, body and spirit);
  2. Holding property for charitable use within the South Wales region; and
  3. Holding property and other assets for investment purposes if in the opinion of the trustees this would further the association’s charitable purposes
  • To further such other charitable purposes in the South Wales region as the trustees see fit in particular but not exclusively by relieving homelessness and the charitable needs of young people.

In accordance with current Charity Commission guidelines, the Trust has devised the following grant-making policy for achieving objective 2 (homelessness and charitable needs of young people) in order to:

  1. Assist applicants to determine whether or not an application to the charity would be appropriate
  2. Ensure that a consistent approach is adopted to the consideration of applications for financial support
  3. To ensure applications are genuine and systems are robust enough to prevent fraud.

The trustees seek to support those activities for purposes which help further the objects.


(a) Beneficiary Status

The Foundation will consider applications for grants from:

  • Voluntary Organisations
  • Charitable organisations
  • Individuals

It will not normally consider applications from any profit making organisation or any organisation that has received funding from The 1910 Trust within two years from the first successful bid date.

(b) Geographic area

The trustees consider that the core area to be served by the Trust is the South Wales region.

(c) Priorities for support

The number of projects which can be supported by the Charity is, of necessity, limited to the amount of funds available for distribution in any year. The trustees have determined the priorities will be (in no particular order):

  • Dealing with homelessness
  • Dealing with young people

(d) Purpose of the Grant:

Grants will normally be made for capital expenditure i.e., to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as buildings; fixtures and fittings; machinery; furniture and other equipment. Where grants are subject to be made for capital expenditure, the Trust will not retain any right to the assets after the applicant has spent the grant in accordance with the terms.

Applications will also be considered for the funding of revenue costs for specific charitable objects. Applications will only be considered if such expenditure is in accordance with the applicant’s charitable aims.

Where an award is to be made to fund a long term development project the trustees will assess the details of the project, including timescales for development and the ongoing financial viability of the development. Copies of business plans and/or building plans may be requested as appropriate. For building development projects confirmation that planning permission has been obtained will be a pre-requisite.

All grants provided are restricted until spent.

(e) Size of Grants

Sums of up to £5,000

The amount of any grant awarded will not normally be less than £250 or greater than £5,000.

Any request under or up to £5,000 to the Trust should be sent to the Chief Executive Officer via email or letter.

All requests must be addressed via the Application for Funding form.

Sums of up to £30,000

The amount of any grant awarded will not normally be greater than £30,000.

(f) Assessment Process

The Trustees will expect to be provided with:

  1. All sections of the Application form must be completed. Any requests must be in line with the strategic aims of both bodies
  2.  A copy of the applicant organisation’s most recent set of financial statements
  3. Details of the purchase/expenditure to be funded, including a full cost breakdown
  4. Confirmation of the amount of financial support already received or pledged towards the overall cost.
  5. Decisions for approving the grant can be made by a majority decision of the 1910 Trust

Applicants should note that, as with many other charities, the Cardiff YMCA (1910) Trust may receive far more applications than it has funds to support. Even if a project fits within the criteria and priorities of the Charity and a detailed assessment has been made, the charity may still be unable to provide a grant.

The Trustees will not be obliged to provide an explanation to the applicant should their application be unsuccessful.

(g) Post-Award Review

The Trust reserves the right to request from the grantee confirmation that funds have been spent appropriately. It may ask for a photograph of any capital items funded by an award, or for a quarterly report from the body receiving the grant to update the Trustees on the progress of its project. If successful and a quarterly report or photographs are not provided as requested, any further applications made after two years of the original successful application, will not proceed to full review panel.

Contact the 1910 Trust

For all queries relating to the types of activities funded, eligibility criteria, or any other matters not covered on the website please contact the Trust.

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